
Following the series of blogposts about making a blog part one, part two, the intermezzo and finally part three I have some todo's left in the code.

One of those resurfaced as an issue in the github repo for the bogart blog. So, let's get on fixing it. This one should be really easy. I suppose we could just follow the directions we have in the issue:

    Use dotenv for it

Heading over to dotenv I see we're not in for much of a challenge. I created a local branch for this so I can do my development and testing. Now let's do the work.


npm install dotenv --save



Add the require call to dotenv as early as poosible, so high up in app.js at least above the require('nano')-statement where we want to use it.

var bogart = require('bogart')
    ,path  = require('path');


var viewEngine = bogart.viewEngine('mustache', path.join(bogart.maindir(), 'views'));
var root = require("path").join(__dirname, "public");
var router = bogart.router();
var nano = require('nano')(/*THIS IS WHAT WE NEED TO GET FROM THE ENV*/);
//...the rest of app.js

The key's we need to read go into a file called .env in the root directory of your project. Add environment-specific variables on new lines in the form of NAME=VALUE in our case we need the following


Be sure to add the .env file to your .gitignore so you don't accidentally check it in!

Edit the app.js once more to use the information in the .env-file

var nano = require('nano')(process.env.DB_HOST);


Now we're done I can merge my feature branch and we're ready to commit.