
You know that feeling, it's something you did, you know what you did but you can't really remember how to fix it. You also know that, right? I have that with a locked terminal when using the command line...

All unix terminals have a feature from way back when a terminal was a piece of hardware connected to the computer via a serial port. The terminal could send flow control commands to the computer: “XON” (meaning “stop sending me stuff, I'm not ready”) and “XOFF” (meaning “ok, throw me what you've got”). I normally recommend turning these features off in your terminal configuration (the command is stty -ixon), but in this particular case, they're useful: press Ctrl+S to stop scrolling, and Ctrl+Q to resume.

Now, this will be happening again. But at least it will not take me to google again. The above explanation is copied from stackexchange.